Southwest Florida CouncilTrainingBoy Scout Leader Training

Boy Scout Leader Training

To be qualified to receive and wear the "Trained" strip as a Boy Scout Leader you must participate in Fast Start Training, New Leader Essentials and Leader Specific Training for your position.

Fast Start Training: The initial training for all leaders in all programs. It is a quick job description with basic tips to manage until training is available. This training is available online, through your pack or district and takes approximately 2 hours to complete. Fast Start Training Online

This is Scouting: Designed for all volunteers and provides the basics of the Scouting programs, the age appropriateness of those programs, and our values and methods. This training is available online or through the district training committee and takes approximately 2 hours to complete.  This training is offered several times a year.  Check the calendar for dates.  This is Scouting Online.

Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training: Leader specific includes three sessions designed to provide leaders with a good working knowledge of Troop Operation. Offered at the District level.  Check the calendar for dates.

Troop Committee Challenge: Course designed to help Troop Committee Members better understand their roles and responsibilities through interactive learning. This training is available online. Troop Committee Challenge Online.

Youth Protection Training: This training increases awareness in youth protection issues, reviews all of the BSA youth protection policies and is required for all of the Leader training awards. Youth Protection Training is required for all registered leaders participating in any nationally conducted event or activity and is recommended for anyone working directly with the youth. Youth Protection training is available online or through your district. Time to complete varies. Youth Protection Training Online

Introduction To Outdoor Leadership Skills: Weekend training focused at improving leaders outdoor skills, as well as being fun and helpful in building morale.  This training is required for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters in order to be considered trained.  It is not required for troop commitee in order to be considered trained. This training is offered several times a year. Check the calendar for dates.

Note: Once the "Trained" strip has been earned Boy Scout Leaders are highly encouraged to take part in the following training opportunities:


Boy Scout Leader Roundtable: Monthly program with the purpose of giving leaders the skills and ideas they need to deliver an exciting Boy Scout Program to the boys. Offered at the District level.

Powder Horn: Powder Horn is a training opportunity designed to expose Venturing Leaders or Boys Scout Leaders to activities and resources necessary to operate a successful Venturing Ranger or Troop High Adventure Program. Offered at the Council level.

Wood Badge:   A multiple weekend training course designed to provide adults with advanced leadership skills and a more dedicated involvement in Scouting. Offered at the Council level.

Merit Badge Counselor Orientation: Helps a Merit Badge Counselor understand his/her job as a coach and counselor who provides realistic learning experiences to a boy in his study of a Merit Badge subject.

Safe Swim Defense/Safety Afloat Training: This training is required for your unit to participate in ANY aquatic activity. Safe Swim Defense/Safety Afloat training is available online or through council courses. Time to complete varies. Safe Swim Defense/Safety Afloat Training Online

National Training Conferences: Held at Philmont Training Center located in Cimarron, New Mexico. Invitational training held during the summer to enhance knowledge, skills and attitude to improve performance of District and Council level Scouting roles. Philmont Training Center

Proud Supporters of Scouting

1801 Boy Scout Drive, Fort Myers, FL 33907
239.936.8072 Fax 239.936.7864

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Proud Partners of Learning for Life and Scouting